Power outages: You have questions, we have answers

May 22, 2023

We know it’s frustrating when the power is out and you want to know what is happening and how long it will be before power is restored. The good news is that the answers to those questions (example below) and many more are right at your fingertips.

Visit lge-ku.com/outage-help-topics to find answers to the most common questions about power outages, including several provided via short, informative videos.

FAQ example: I have underground service in my subdivision, but my service is still out. Why?

While underground service can enhance the aesthetics of a neighborhood or community, the
underground service is fed at some point by an overhead line. If a lightning strike or high winds
impact the service line that feeds the underground service in your neighborhood, your service will be affected. In some instances, it can take our crews longer to restore service to areas served by an underground system because we cannot visually identify the cause of the outage.